Thursday, April 22, 2010

The funny thing about blogs is...

I admit it: I'm a journal* addict.

I have created so many of these things over the years, I wish I could just compile them into one dysfunctional trip through my life thus-far. I know, I know, I could always go and copy from one to another, but I'm honestly just too damn lazy. So here we are -- let's just start fresh with a brand new one!

I suppose the cliche introduction is in need for those who don't know me and are reading this (if anyone is!). My name is Carrie, and I'm a mid-twenties woman living in New Jersey. I love hockey (NJ Devils hockey, that is. Everyone else sucks), hot rods, Harleys, animals, gardening, and anything crafty. I'm covered in tattoos and piercings, which makes it even more fun to sit with my knitting club and have all the little old ladies staring at me like I'm the spawn of Satan (am I?).

I'm chock full of health problems, which always makes for a good laugh here and there. (But seriously, I'm fucked up.)

I write, and for some reason never finish anything. I guess my brain works faster than my fingers can move. I started a novel a few years ago, and almost have it done. I started a new one about a month ago. See? Never finish. Who knows, though, I might actually keep up with this one. I'll keep you posted!

I'm in love with the most amazing man in the world, Vince. He's really my guardian angel, I swear. He's wonderful in every way; I could really ramble on about him for hours, but I'll save you reading the ooey-gooey mushy stuff. Let's just keep it at.. he's a huge part of my life, and even despite the fact he's a NY Rangers fan (blech!), he has my heart and no one could ever squeeze it as tight as he does. I'll write about him a lot, don't you worry there ;)

I've inadvertently isolated myself from most of my friends and family. I don't mean to be a hermit, but as stated earlier, my health concerns have had me feeling pretty down lately. I was diagnosed last week with PTC, otherwise known as Psuedotumor Cerebri. That pretty much means I have too much pressure in my spinal fluid, and it's pressing on my brain and other vital areas of my spinal column. It's nasty, and I won't bore you with details (unless you ask?), but it's really painful, and makes me suffer with HORRIBLE, horrible, horrible marathon migraines, audio/visual disturbances, and a slew of other not-so-nice problems. I'm on medication, and if it doesn't work, I'll have to go for a bunch of spinal taps, and perhaps even surgery to get a shunt put into my brain (yikes). But for now, I'm taking it day by day, as well as I can..

I love my [real] friends more than life itself, really, but I hardly get to see them. Something always gets in the way. My best friend moved out to California (lucky girl), and I don't see her for obvious reasons. I have other friends sprinkled across the US and Europe, and it just really blows that they aren't closer, or have a schedule that doesn't allow us to get together. I could use a real hug sometimes. I have plenty of people who claim to be my friend, but would throw me to the wolves faster than you can say fake. I'm not in highschool; I don't have time for idiot people who do stupid things. It's blunt, but true. I'm a grown woman, and eventhough I may be one of the biggest goofballs on the planet, I don't like drama and childish behavior. I don't go "clubbing", I don't drink to excess, I don't do drugs.. damn, I guess I see why they don't like me -- I'm no fun! ...I'm kidding, I'm loads of fun, really (and quite sarcastic. It's a fluent second language to me).

I'm not quite sure exactly why I started this journal -- perhaps just to vent, since I don't talk to anyone about my personal issues, really. God help whoever reads this, or takes the time to go through the whole thing... I ramble.. A LOT. ;)

On a final note, I hate the Philadelphia Flyers (and their fans). You all suck. Goodnight.

*I abhor the term "blog". I just can't bring myself to say it in a serious manor. Makes me think of 'frog', then I start thinking about warts, and some girls I went to high school with who are probably battling with some warts of their own.. heh heh.

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